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Using synapseclient with R through reticulate

This article describes using the Python synapseclient with R through the reticulate package, which provides an interface between R and Python libraries.

While the separate synapser R package exists and can be installed directly in an R environment without the need for reticulate, it is not currently compatible with an R environment that already includes reticulate. In such cases using the Python synapseclient is an alternative.


Installing reticulate

This article assumes that reticulate is installed and available in your R environment. If not it can be installed as follows:


Installing synapseclient

The Python synapseclient can be installed either directly into the Python installation you intend to use with reticulate or from within R using the reticulate library.

synapseclient has the same requirements and dependencies when installed for use with reticulate as it does in other usage. In particular note that synapseclient requires a Python version of 3.6 or greater.

Installing into Python

The Python synapseclient is available on the PyPi package repository and can be installed through Python tools that interface with the repository, such as pip. To install synapseclient for use with reticulate directly into a Python environment, first ensure that the current Python interpreter is the one you intend to use with reticulate. This may be a particular installation of Python, or a loaded virtual environment. See reticulate's Python version configuration documentation for more information on how reticulate can be configured to use particular Python environments.

For help installing a reticulate compatible Python, see the reticulate version of the SynapseShinyApp.

Once you have ensured you are interacting with your intended Python interpreter, follow the standard synapseclient installation instructions to install synapseclient.

Installing from R/Reticulate

To install synapseclient from within R, first ensure that the reticulate library is loaded.


Once loaded, ensure that reticulate will use the Python installation you intend. You may need to provide reticulate a hint or otherwise point it at the proper Python installation.

Next install the synapseclient using reticulate's py_install command, e.g.


You may also want to install some of synapseclient's optional dependencies, such as Pandas for table support.


See synapseclient's installation instructions for more information on optional dependencies.


Once synapseclient is installed it can be used once it is imported through R's import command:

synapseclient <- import("synapseclient")

If you are using synapseclient with reticulate when writing an R package, you will want to wrap the import in an onLoad and use the delay_load option, .e.g.

synapseclient  <- NULL

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  synapseclient <<- reticulate::import("synapseclient", delay_load = TRUE)

This will allow users of your package to configure their reticulate usage properly regardless of when they load your package. More information on this technique can be found here.

If you are familiar with the synapser R package, many of the commands will be similar, but unlike in synapser where package functions and classes are made available in the global namespace through the search path, when using synapseclient through reticulate, classes are accessed through the imported synapseclient module and functionality is provided through an instantiated Synapse instance.

For example classes that were globally available are now available through the imported synapseclient module.

# File from synapser

# Table from synapser

And various syn functions are now methods on the Synapse object:

# using synapseclient with reticulate we must instantiate a Synapse instance
syn <- synapseclient$Synapse()

# synLogin from synapser

# synGet from synapser

# synStore from syanpser

Each synapse object has its own state, such as configuration and login credentials.


synapseclient accessed through reticulate supports the same authentication options as it does when accessed directly from Python, for example:

syn <- synapseclient$synapse()

# one time login
syn$login('<username', '<authToken>')

See Managing Synapse Credentials for complete documentation on how synapseclient handles credentials and authentication.

Accessing Data

The following illustrates some examples of storing and retrieving data in Synapse using synapseclient through reticulate.

See here for more details on available data access APIs.

Create a project with a unique name

# use hex_digits to generate random string and use it to name a project
hex_digits <- c(as.character(0:9), letters[1:6])
projectName <- sprintf("My unique project %s", paste0(sample(hex_digits, 32, replace = TRUE), collapse = ""))

project <- synapseclient$Project(projectName)
project <- syn$store(project)

Create, store, and retrieve a file

filePath <- tempfile()
connection <- file(filePath)
writeChar("a \t b \t c \n d \t e \t f \n", connection, eos = NULL)

file <- synapseclient$File(path = filePath, parent = project)
file <- syn$store(file)
synId <- file$properties$id

# download the file using its identifier to specific path
fileEntity <- syn$get(synId, downloadLocation="/path/to/folder")

# view the file meta data in the console

# view the file on the web

Create folder and add files to the folder:

dataFolder <- synapseclient$Folder("Data", parent = project)
dataFolder <- syn$store(dataFolder)

filePath <- tempfile()
connection <- file(filePath)
writeChar("this is the content of the file", connection, eos = NULL)
file <- synapseclient$File(path = filePath, parent = dataFolder)
file <- syn$store(file)

Annotating Synapse Entities

This illustrates adding annotations to a Synapse entity.

# first retrieve the existing annotations object
annotations <- syn$get_annotations(project)

annotations$foo <- "bar"
annotations$fooList <- list("bar", "baz")


See here for more information on annotations.


This example illustrates creating an entity with associated provenance.

See here for more information on Activity/Provenance related APIs.

act <- synapseclient$Activity(
  name = "clustering",
  description = "whizzy clustering",
  used = c("syn1234", "syn1235"),
  executed = "syn4567")
filePath <- tempfile()
connection <- file(filePath)
writeChar("some test", connection, eos = NULL)

file = synapseclient$File(filePath, name="provenance_file.txt", parent=project)
file <- syn$store(file, activity = act)


These examples illustrate manipulating Synapse Tables. Note that you must have installed the Pandas dependency into the Python environment as described above in order to use this feature.

See here for more information on tables.

The following illustrates building a table from an R data frame. The schema will be generated from the data types of the values within the data frame.

# start with an R data frame
genes <- data.frame(
  Name = c("foo", "arg", "zap", "bah", "bnk", "xyz"),
  Chromosome = c(1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1),
  Start = c(12345, 20001, 30033, 40444, 51234, 61234),
  End = c(126000, 20200, 30999, 41444, 54567, 68686),
  Strand = c("+", "+", "-", "-", "+", "+"),
  TranscriptionFactor = c(F, F, F, F, T, F))

# build a Synapse table from the data frame.
# a schema is automatically generated
# note that reticulate will automatically convert from an R data frame to Pandas
table <- synapseclient$build_table("My Favorite Genes", project, genes)

table <- syn$store(table)

Alternately the schema can be specified. At this time when using date values it is necessary to use a date string formatted in "YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.mmm" format or integer unix epoch millisecond value and explicitly specify the type in the schema due to how dates are translated to the Python client.

prez_birthdays <- data.frame(
  Name = c("George Washington", "Thomas Jefferson", "Abraham Lincoln"),
  Time = c("1732-02-22 11:23:11.024", "1743-04-13 00:00:00.000", "1809-02-12 01:02:03.456"))

cols <- list(
    synapseclient$Column(name = "Name", columnType = "STRING", maximumSize = 20),
    synapseclient$Column(name = "Time", columnType = "DATE"))

schema <- synapseclient$Schema(name = "President Birthdays", columns = cols, parent = project)
table <- synapseclient$Table(schema, prez_birthdays)

# store the table in Synapse
table <- syn$store(table)

We can query a table as in the following:

tableId <- table$tableId

results <- syn$tableQuery(sprintf("select * from %s where Name='George Washington'", tableId))


This example illustrates creating a wiki.

See here for more information on wiki APIs.

content <- "
# My Wiki Page
Here is a description of my **fantastic** project!

# attachment
filePath <- tempfile()
connection <- file(filePath)
writeChar("this is the content of the file", connection, eos = NULL)
wiki <- synapseclient$Wiki(
            owner = project,
            title = "My Wiki Page",
            markdown = content,
            attachments = list(filePath)
wiki <- syn$store(wiki)

An existing wiki can be updated as follows.

wiki <- syn$getWiki(project)
wiki$markdown <- "
# My Wiki Page
Here is a description of my **fantastic** project! Let's
*emphasize* the important stuff.
wiki <- syn$store(wiki)


An Evaluation is a Synapse construct useful for building processing pipelines and for scoring predictive modeling and data analysis challenges.

See here for more information on Evaluations.

Creating an Evaluation:

eval <- synapseclient$Evaluation(
  name = sprintf("My unique evaluation created on %s", format(Sys.time(), "%a %b %d %H%M%OS4 %Y")),
  description = "testing",
  contentSource = project,
  submissionReceiptMessage = "Thank you for your submission!",
  submissionInstructionsMessage = "This evaluation only accepts files.")

eval <- syn$store(eval)

eval <- syn$getEvaluation(eval$id)

Submitting a file to an existing Evaluation:

# first create a file to submit
filePath <- tempfile()
connection <- file(filePath)
writeChar("this is my first submission", connection, eos = NULL)
file <- synapseclient$File(path = filePath, parent = project)
file <- syn$store(file)
# submit the created file
submission <- syn$submit(eval, file)

List submissions:

submissions <- syn$getSubmissionBundles(eval)

# submissions are returned as a generator

Retrieving submission by id:

submission <- syn$getSubmission(submission$id)

Retrieving the submission status:

submissionStatus <- syn$getSubmissionStatus(submission)

Query an evaluation:

queryString <- sprintf("query=select * from evaluation_%s LIMIT %s OFFSET %s'", eval$id, 10, 0)
syn$restGET(paste("/evaluation/submission/query?", URLencode(queryString), sep = ""))

Sharing Access to Content

The following illustrates sharing access to a Synapse Entity.

See here for more information on Access Control including all available permissions.

# get permissions on an entity
# to get permissions for a user/group pass a principalId identifier,
# otherwise the assumed permission will apply to the public

# make the project publicly accessible
acl <- syn$setPermissions(project, accessType = list("READ"))

perms = syn$getPermissions(project)


A view is a view of all entities (File, Folder, Project, Table, Docker Repository, View) within one or more Projects or Folders. Views can: The following examples illustrate some view operations.

See here for more information on Views. A view is implemented as a Table, see here for more information on Tables.

First create some files we can use in a view:

filePath1 <- tempfile()
connection <- file(filePath1)
writeChar("this is the content of the first file", connection, eos = NULL)
file1 <- synapseclient$File(path = filePath1, parent = project)
file1 <- syn$store(file1)
filePath2 <- tempfile()
connection2 <- file(filePath2)
writeChar("this is the content of the second file", connection, eos = NULL)
file2 <- synapseclient$File(path = filePath2, parent = project)
file2 <- syn$store(file2)

# add some annotations
fileAnnotations1 <- syn$get_annotations(file1)
fileAnnotations2 <- syn$get_annotations(file2)

fileAnnotations1$contributor <- "Sage"
fileAnnotations1$class <- "V"

fileAnnotations2$contributor = "UW"
fileAnnotations2$rank = "X"

Now create a view:

columns = c(
  synapseclient$Column(name = "contributor", columnType = "STRING"),
  synapseclient$Column(name = "class", columnType = "STRING"),
  synapseclient$Column(name = "rank", columnType = "STRING")

view <- synapseclient$EntityViewSchema(
    name = "my first file view",
    columns = columns,
    parent = project,
    scopes = project,
    includeEntityTypes = c(synapseclient$EntityViewType$FILE, synapseclient$EntityViewType$FOLDER),
    addDefaultViewColumns = TRUE

view <- syn$store(view)

We can now see content of our view (note that views are not created synchronously it may take a few seconds for the view table to be queryable).

queryResults <- syn$tableQuery(sprintf("select * from %s", view$properties$id))
data <- queryResults$asDataFrame()

We can update annotations using a view as follows:

data["class"] <- c("V", "VI")
syn$store(synapseclient$Table(view$properties$id, data))

# the change in annotations is reflected in get_annotations():

Update View's Content

# A view can contain different types of entity. To change the types of entity that will show up in a view:
view <- syn$get(view$properties$id)

Using with a Shiny App

Reticulate and the Python synapseclient can be used to workaround an issue that exists when using synapser with a Shiny App. Since synapser shares a Synapse client instance within the R process, multiple users of a synapser integrated Shiny App may end up sharing a login if precautions aren't taken. When using reticulate with synapseclient, session scoped Synapse client objects can be created that avoid this issue.

See SynapseShinyApp for a sample application and a discussion of the issue, and the reticulate branch for an alternative implementation using reticulate with synapseclient.