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Folders in Synapse

Similar to Projects, Folders are “containers” that offer an additional way to organize your data. Instead of uploading a bunch of single files into your project, you can create folders to separate your data in a systematic way.

Folders in Synapse always have a “parent”, which could be a project or a folder. You can organize collections of folders and sub-folders, just as you would on your local computer.

Read more about Folders

This tutorial will follow a Flattened Data Layout. With this example layout:

├── experiment_notes
│   ├── notes_2022
│   │   ├── fileA.txt
│   │   └── fileB.txt
│   └── notes_2023
│       ├── fileC.txt
│       └── fileD.txt
├── single_cell_RNAseq_batch_1
│   ├── SRR12345678_R1.fastq.gz
│   └── SRR12345678_R2.fastq.gz
└── single_cell_RNAseq_batch_2
    ├── SRR12345678_R1.fastq.gz
    └── SRR12345678_R2.fastq.gz

Tutorial Purpose

In this tutorial you will:

  1. Create a new folder
  2. Print stored attributes about your folder
  3. Create 2 sub-folders


  • Make sure that you have completed the Project tutorial.

1. Create a new folder

import synapseclient
from synapseclient import Folder

syn = synapseclient.login()

# Retrieve the project ID
my_project_id = syn.findEntityId(
    name="My uniquely named project about Alzheimer's Disease"

# Create a Folder object and store it
my_scrnaseq_batch_1_folder = Folder(
    name="single_cell_RNAseq_batch_1", parent=my_project_id
my_scrnaseq_batch_1_folder =

my_scrnaseq_batch_2_folder = Folder(
    name="single_cell_RNAseq_batch_2", parent=my_project_id
my_scrnaseq_batch_2_folder =

2. Print stored attributes about your folder

my_scrnaseq_batch_1_folder_id =
print(f"My folder ID is: {my_scrnaseq_batch_1_folder_id}")

print(f"The parent ID of my folder is: {my_scrnaseq_batch_1_folder.parentId}")

print(f"I created my folder on: {my_scrnaseq_batch_1_folder.createdOn}")

    f"The ID of the user that created my folder is: {my_scrnaseq_batch_1_folder.createdBy}"

print(f"My folder was last modified on: {my_scrnaseq_batch_1_folder.modifiedOn}")
You'll notice the output looks like:
My folder ID is: syn53205629
The parent ID of my folder is: syn53185532
I created my folder on: 2023-12-28T20:52:50.193Z
The ID of the user that created my folder is: 3481671
My folder was last modified on: 2023-12-28T20:52:50.193Z

3. Create 2 sub-folders

hierarchical_root_folder = Folder(name="experiment_notes", parent=my_project_id)
hierarchical_root_folder =

folder_notes_2023 = Folder(name="notes_2023",
folder_notes_2023 =

folder_notes_2022 = Folder(name="notes_2022",
folder_notes_2022 =


Now that you have created your folders you'll be able to inspect this on the Files tab of your project in the synapse web UI. It should look similar to:


Source code for this tutorial

Click to show me
Here is where you'll find the code for the Folder tutorial.

# Step 1: Create a new folder
import synapseclient
from synapseclient import Folder

syn = synapseclient.login()

# Retrieve the project ID
my_project_id = syn.findEntityId(
    name="My uniquely named project about Alzheimer's Disease"

# Create a Folder object and store it
my_scrnaseq_batch_1_folder = Folder(
    name="single_cell_RNAseq_batch_1", parent=my_project_id
my_scrnaseq_batch_1_folder =

my_scrnaseq_batch_2_folder = Folder(
    name="single_cell_RNAseq_batch_2", parent=my_project_id
my_scrnaseq_batch_2_folder =

# Step 2: Print stored attributes about your folder
my_scrnaseq_batch_1_folder_id =
print(f"My folder ID is: {my_scrnaseq_batch_1_folder_id}")

print(f"The parent ID of my folder is: {my_scrnaseq_batch_1_folder.parentId}")

print(f"I created my folder on: {my_scrnaseq_batch_1_folder.createdOn}")

    f"The ID of the user that created my folder is: {my_scrnaseq_batch_1_folder.createdBy}"

print(f"My folder was last modified on: {my_scrnaseq_batch_1_folder.modifiedOn}")

# Step 3: Create 2 sub-folders
hierarchical_root_folder = Folder(name="experiment_notes", parent=my_project_id)
hierarchical_root_folder =

folder_notes_2023 = Folder(name="notes_2023",
folder_notes_2023 =

folder_notes_2022 = Folder(name="notes_2022",
folder_notes_2022 =

References used in this tutorial