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File Upload

Files in Synapse are versionable. Please see Versioning for more information about how versions in Files works.

Uploading a New Version

Uploading a new version follows the same steps as uploading a file for the first time - use the same file name and store it in the same location (e.g., the same parentId). It is recommended to add a comment to the new version in order to easily track differences at a glance. The example file raw_data.txt will now have a version of 2 and a comment describing the change.

Explicit example:

import synapseclient

# fetch the file in Synapse
file_to_update = syn.get('syn2222', downloadFile=False)

# save the local path to the new version of the file
file_to_update.path = '/path/to/new/version/of/raw_data.txt'

# add a version comment
file_to_update.versionComment = 'Added 5 random normally distributed numbers.'

# store the new file
updated_file =

Implicit example:

# Assuming that there is a file created with:'path/to/old/raw_data.txt', parentId='syn123456'))

# To create a new version of that file, make sure you store it with the exact same name
new_file ='path/to/new_version/raw_data.txt',  parentId='syn123456'))

Updating Annotations or Provenance without Changing Versions

Any change to a File will automatically update its version. If this isn’t the desired behavior, such as minor changes to the metadata, you can set forceVersion=False with the Python client. For command line, the commands set-annotations and set-provenance will update the metadata without creating a new version. Adding/updating annotations and provenance in the web client will also not cause a version change.

Important: Because Provenance is tracked by version, set forceVersion=False for minor changes to avoid breaking Provenance.

Setting annotations without changing version:

# Get file from Synapse, set download=False since we are only updating annotations
file = syn.get('syn56789', download=False)

# Add annotations
file.annotations = {"fileType":"bam", "assay":"RNA-seq"}

# Store the file without creating a new version
file =, forceVersion=False)

Setting Provenance without Changing Version

To set Provenance without changing the file version:

# Get file from Synapse, set download=False since we are only updating provenance
file = syn.get('syn56789', download=False)

# Add provenance
file = syn.setProvenance(file, activity = Activity(used = '/path/to/example_code'))

# Store the file without creating a new version
file =, forceVersion=False)

Downloading a Specific Version

By default, the File downloaded will always be the most recent version. However, a specific version can be downloaded by passing the version parameter:

entity = syn.get("syn3260973", version=1)