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Command Line Client

The Synapse Python Client can be used from the command line via the synapse command.

Note: The command line client is installed along with Installation of the Synapse Python client.


For help, type:

synapse -h

For help on specific commands, type:

synapse [command] -h

Test your login credentials with an auth token environment variable:

synapse login -p $MY_SYNAPSE_TOKENWelcome, First Last!

Logged in as: username (1234567)

The usage is as follows:

synapse [-h] [--version] [-u SYNAPSEUSER] [-p SYNAPSE_AUTH_TOKEN] [-c CONFIGPATH] [--debug] [--silent] [-s]
        [--otel {console,otlp}]


Name Type Description Default
--version Flag Show program’s version number and exit
-u, --username Option Username used to connect to Synapse
-p, --password Option Auth Token used to connect to Synapse
-c, --configPath Option Path to configuration file used to connect to Synapse “~/.synapseConfig”
--debug Flag Set to debug mode, additional output and error messages are printed to the console False
--silent Flag Set to silent mode, console output is suppressed False
-s, --skip-checks Flag Suppress checking for version upgrade messages and endpoint redirection False
--otel Option Enable the usage of OpenTelemetry for tracing. Possible choices: console, otlp


  • get: downloads a file from Synapse
  • manifest: Generate manifest for uploading directory tree to Synapse.
  • sync: Synchronize files described in a manifest to Synapse
  • store: uploads and adds a file to Synapse
  • add: uploads and adds a file to Synapse
  • mv: Moves a file/folder in Synapse
  • cp: Copies specific versions of synapse content such as files, folders and projects by recursively copying all sub-content
  • get-download-list: Download files from the Synapse download cart
  • associate: Associate local files with the files stored in Synapse so that calls to “synapse get” and “synapse show” don’t re-download the files but use the already existing file.
  • delete: removes a dataset from Synapse
  • query: Performs SQL like queries on Synapse
  • submit: submit an entity or a file for evaluation
  • show: show metadata for an entity
  • cat: prints a dataset from Synapse
  • list: List Synapse entities contained by the given Project or Folder. Note: May not be supported in future versions of the client.
  • config: Create or modify a Synapse configuration file
  • set-provenance: create provenance records
  • get-provenance: show provenance records
  • set-annotations: create annotations records
  • get-annotations: show annotations records
  • create: Creates folders or projects on Synapse
  • store-table: Creates a Synapse Table given a csv
  • onweb: opens Synapse website for Entity
  • login: Verify credentials can be used to login to Synapse. This does not need to be used prior to executing other commands.
  • test-encoding: test character encoding to help diagnose problems
  • get-sts-token: Get an STS token for access to AWS S3 storage underlying Synapse
  • migrate: Migrate Synapse entities to a different storage location


synapse get [-h] [-q queryString] [-v VERSION] [-r] [--followLink] [--limitSearch projId] [--downloadLocation path]
            [--multiThreaded] [--manifest {all,root,suppress}]
            [local path]
Name Type Description Default
local path Positional Synapse ID of form syn123 of desired data object.
-q, --query Named Optional query parameter, will fetch all of the entities returned by a query.
-v, --version Named Synapse version number of entity to retrieve. Most recent version
-r, --recursive Named Fetches content in Synapse recursively contained in the parentId specified by id. False
--followLink Named Determines whether the link returns the target Entity. False
--limitSearch Named Synapse ID of a container such as project or folder to limit search for files if using a path.
--downloadLocation Named Directory to download file to. “./”
--multiThreaded Named Download file using a multiple threaded implementation. True
--manifest Named Determines whether creating manifest file automatically. “all”


Generate manifest for uploading directory tree to Synapse.

synapse manifest [-h] --parent-id syn123 [--manifest-file OUTPUT] PATH
Name Type Description Default
PATH Positional A path to a file or folder whose manifest will be generated.
--parent-id Named Synapse ID of project or folder where to upload data.
--manifest-file Named A TSV output file path where the generated manifest is stored. stdout


Synchronize files described in a manifest to Synapse.

synapse sync [-h] [--dryRun] [--sendMessages] [--retries INT] FILE
Name Type Description Default
FILE Positional A tsv file with file locations and metadata to be pushed to Synapse. See synapseutils.sync.syncToSynapse for details on the format of a manifest.
--dryRun Named Perform validation without uploading. False
--sendMessages Named Send notifications via Synapse messaging (email) at specific intervals, on errors and on completion. False
--retries Named Number of retries for failed uploads. 4


Uploads and adds a file to Synapse.

synapse store [-h] (--parentid syn123 | --id syn123 | --type TYPE) [--name NAME]
              [--description DESCRIPTION | --descriptionFile DESCRIPTION_FILE_PATH] [--used [target [target ...]]]
              [--executed [target [target ...]]] [--limitSearch projId] [--noForceVersion] [--annotations ANNOTATIONS]
Name Type Description Default
FILE Positional File to be added to synapse.
--parentid, --parentId Named Synapse ID of project or folder where to upload data (must be specified if –id is not used).
--id Named Optional Id of entity in Synapse to be updated.
--type Named Type of object, such as “File”, “Folder”, or “Project”, to create in Synapse. “File”
--name Named Name of data object in Synapse.
--description Named Description of data object in Synapse.
--descriptionFile Named Path to a markdown file containing description of project/folder.
--used Named Synapse ID, a url, or a local file path (of a file previously uploaded to Synapse) from which the specified entity is derived.
--executed Named Synapse ID, a url, or a local file path (of a file previously uploaded to Synapse) that was executed to generate the specified entity.
--limitSearch Named Synapse ID of a container such as project or folder to limit search for provenance files.
--noForceVersion Named Do not force a new version to be created if the contents of the file have not changed. False
--annotations Named Annotations to add as a JSON formatted string, should evaluate to a dictionary (key/value pairs). Example: ‘{“foo”: 1, “bar”:”quux”}’
--replace Named Replace all existing annotations with the given annotations. False


Uploads and adds a file to Synapse.

synapse add [-h] (--parentid syn123 | --id syn123 | --type TYPE) [--name NAME]
            [--description DESCRIPTION | --descriptionFile DESCRIPTION_FILE_PATH] [--used [target [target ...]]]
            [--executed [target [target ...]]] [--limitSearch projId] [--noForceVersion] [--annotations ANNOTATIONS] [--replace]
Name Type Description Default
FILE Positional File to be added to synapse.
--parentid, --parentId Named Synapse ID of project or folder where to upload data (must be specified if –id is not used).
--id Named Optional Id of entity in Synapse to be updated.
--type Named Type of object, such as “File”, “Folder”, or “Project”, to create in Synapse. “File”
--name Named Name of data object in Synapse.
--description Named Description of data object in Synapse.
--descriptionFile Named Path to a markdown file containing description of project/folder.
--used Named Synapse ID, a url, or a local file path (of a file previously uploaded to Synapse) from which the specified entity is derived.
--executed Named Synapse ID, a url, or a local file path (of a file previously uploaded to Synapse) that was executed to generate the specified entity.
--limitSearch Named Synapse ID of a container such as project or folder to limit search for provenance files.
--noForceVersion Named Do not force a new version to be created if the contents of the file have not changed. False
--annotations Named Annotations to add as a JSON formatted string, should evaluate to a dictionary (key/value pairs). Example: ‘{“foo”: 1, “bar”:”quux”}’
--replace Named Replace all existing annotations with the given annotations. False


Moves a file/folder in Synapse.

synapse mv [-h] --id syn123 --parentid syn123
Name Type Description
--id Named Id of entity in Synapse to be moved.
--parentid, --parentId Named Synapse ID of project or folder where file/folder will be moved.


Copies specific versions of synapse content such as files, folders and projects by recursively copying all sub-content.

synapse cp [-h] --destinationId syn123 [--version 1] [--setProvenance traceback] [--updateExisting] [--skipCopyAnnotations]
           [--excludeTypes [file table [file table ...]]] [--skipCopyWiki]
Name Type Description Default
syn123 Positional Id of entity in Synapse to be copied.
--destinationId Named Synapse ID of project or folder where file will be copied to.
--version, -v Named Synapse version number of File or Link to retrieve. This parameter cannot be used when copying Projects or Folders. Defaults to most recent version. Most recent version
--setProvenance Named Has three values to set the provenance of the copied entity-traceback: Sets to the source entityexisting: Sets to source entity’s original provenance (if it exists)None/none: No provenance is set "traceback"
--updateExisting Named Will update the file if there is already a file that is named the same in the destination False
--skipCopyAnnotations Named Do not copy the annotations False
--excludeTypes Named Accepts a list of entity types (file, table, link) which determines which entity types to not copy. []
--skipCopyWiki Named Do not copy the wiki pages False


Download files from the Synapse download cart.

synapse get-download-list [-h] [--downloadLocation path]
Name Type Description Default
--downloadLocation Named Directory to download file to. "./"


Associate local files with the files stored in Synapse so that calls to “synapse get” and “synapse show” don’t re-download the files but use the already existing file.

synapse associate [-h] [--limitSearch projId] [-r] path
Name Type Description Default
path Positional Local file path.
--limitSearch Named Synapse ID of a container such as project or folder to limit search to.
-r Named Perform recursive association with all local files in a folder. False


Removes a dataset from Synapse.

synapse delete [-h] [--version VERSION] syn123
Name Type Description
syn123 Positional Synapse ID of form syn123 of desired data object.
--version Named Version number to delete of given entity.


Performs SQL like queries on Synapse.

synapse query [-h] [string [string ...]]
Name Type Description
string Positional A query string. Note that when using the command line query strings must be passed intact as a single string. In most shells this can mean wrapping the query in quotes as appropriate and escaping any quotes that may appear within the query string itself. Example: synapse query "select \"column has spaces\" from syn123". See Table Examples for more information.


Submit an entity or a file for evaluation.

synapse submit [-h] [--evaluationID EVALUATIONID] [--evaluationName EVALUATIONNAME] [--entity ENTITY] [--file FILE]
               [--parentId PARENTID] [--name NAME] [--teamName TEAMNAME] [--submitterAlias ALIAS] [--used [target [target ...]]]
               [--executed [target [target ...]]] [--limitSearch projId]
Name Type Description
--evaluationID, --evaluationId, --evalID Named Evaluation ID where the entity/file will be submitted.
--evaluationName, --evalN Named Evaluation Name where the entity/file will be submitted.
--entity, --eid, --entityId, --id Named Synapse ID of the entity to be submitted.
--file, -f Named File to be submitted to the challenge.
--parentId, --parentid, --parent Named Synapse ID of project or folder where to upload data.
--name Named Name of the submission.
--teamName, --team Named Submit on behalf of a registered team.
--submitterAlias, --alias Named A nickname, possibly for display in leaderboards.
--used Named Synapse ID, a url, or a local file path (of a file previously uploaded to Synapse) from which the specified entity is derived.
--executed Named Synapse ID, a url, or a local file path (of a file previously uploaded to Synapse) that was executed to generate the specified entity.
--limitSearch Named Synapse ID of a container such as project or folder to limit search for provenance files.


Show metadata for an entity.

synapse show [-h] [--limitSearch projId] syn123
Name Type Description
syn123 Positional Synapse ID of form syn123 of desired synapse object.
--limitSearch Named Synapse ID of a container such as project or folder to limit search for provenance files.


Prints a dataset from Synapse.

synapse cat [-h] [-v VERSION] syn123
Name Type Description Default
syn123 Positional Synapse ID of form syn123 of desired data object.
-v, --version Named Synapse version number of entity to display. Most recent version


List Synapse entities contained by the given Project or Folder. Note: May not be supported in future versions of the client.

synapse list [-h] [-r] [-l] [-m] syn123
Name Type Description Default
syn123 Positional Synapse ID of a project or folder.
-r, --recursive Named Recursively list contents of the subtree descending from the given Synapse ID. False
-l, --long Named List synapse entities in long format. False
-m, --modified Named List modified by and modified date. False


Create or modify a Synapse configuration file.

synapse config [-h]
Name Type Description
-h Named Show the help message and exit.


Create provenance records.

synapse set-provenance [-h] --id syn123 [--name NAME] [--description DESCRIPTION] [-o [OUTPUT_FILE]]
                       [--used [target [target ...]]] [--executed [target [target ...]]] [--limitSearch projId]
Name Type Description
--id Named Synapse ID of entity whose provenance we are accessing.
--name Named Name of the activity that generated the entity.
--description Named Description of the activity that generated the entity.
-o, --output Named Output the provenance record in JSON format.
--used Named Synapse ID, a url, or a local file path (of a file previously uploaded to Synapse) from which the specified entity is derived.
--executed Named Synapse ID, a url, or a local file path (of a file previously uploaded to Synapse) that was executed to generate the specified entity.
--limitSearch Named Synapse ID of a container such as project or folder to limit search for provenance files.


Show provenance records.

synapse get-provenance [-h] --id syn123 [--version version] [-o [OUTPUT_FILE]]
Name Type Description
--id Named Synapse ID of entity whose provenance we are accessing.
--version Named Version of Synapse entity whose provenance we are accessing.
-o, --output Named Output the provenance record in JSON format.


Create annotations records.

synapse set-annotations [-h] --id syn123 --annotations ANNOTATIONS [-r]
Name Type Description Default
--id Named Synapse ID of entity whose annotations we are accessing.
--annotations Named Annotations to add as a JSON formatted string, should evaluate to a dictionary (key/value pairs). Example: ‘{“foo”: 1, “bar”:”quux”}’.
-r, --replace Named Replace all existing annotations with the given annotations. False


Show annotations records.

synapse get-annotations [-h] --id syn123 [-o [OUTPUT_FILE]]
Name Type Description
--id Named Synapse ID of entity whose annotations we are accessing.
-o, --output Named Output the annotations record in JSON format.


Creates folders or projects on Synapse.

synapse create [-h] [--parentid syn123] --name NAME [--description DESCRIPTION | --descriptionFile DESCRIPTION_FILE_PATH] type
Name Type Description
type Positional Type of object to create in synapse one of {Project, Folder}.
--parentid, --parentId Named Synapse ID of project or folder where to place folder [not used with project].
--name Named Name of folder/project.
--description Named Description of project/folder.
--descriptionFile Named Path to a markdown file containing description of project/folder.


Creates a Synapse Table given a csv.

synapse store-table [-h] --name NAME [--parentid syn123] [--csv foo.csv]
Name Type Description
--name Named Name of Table.
--parentid, --parentId Named Synapse ID of project.
--csv Named Path to csv.


Opens Synapse website for Entity.

synapse onweb [-h] id
Name Type Description
id Positional Synapse id.


Verify credentials can be used to login to Synapse. This does not need to be used prior to executing other commands.

synapse login [-h] [-u SYNAPSEUSER] [-p SYNAPSE_AUTH_TOKEN]
Name Type Description Default
-u, --username Named Username used to connect to Synapse.
-p, --password Named Synapse Auth Token (aka: Personal Access Token) used to connect to Synapse


Test character encoding to help diagnose problems.

synapse test-encoding [-h]
Name Type Description
-h Named Show the help message and exit.


Get an STS token for access to AWS S3 storage underlying Synapse.

synapse get-sts-token [-h] [-o {json,boto,shell,bash,cmd,powershell}] id {read_write,read_only}
Name Type Description Default
id Positional Synapse id.
permission Positional Possible choices: read_write, read_only.
-o, --output Named Possible choices: json, boto, shell, bash, cmd, powershell. "shell"


Migrate Synapse entities to a different storage location.

synapse migrate [-h] [--source_storage_location_ids [SOURCE_STORAGE_LOCATION_IDS [SOURCE_STORAGE_LOCATION_IDS ...]]]
                [--file_version_strategy FILE_VERSION_STRATEGY] [--include_table_files] [--continue_on_error]
                [--csv_log_path CSV_LOG_PATH] [--dryRun] [--force]
                id dest_storage_location_id db_path
Name Type Description Default
id Positional Synapse id.
dest_storage_location_id Positional Destination Synapse storage location id.
db_path Positional Local system path where a record keeping file can be stored.
--source_storage_location_ids Named Source Synapse storage location ids. If specified only files in these storage locations will be migrated.
--file_version_strategy Named One of ‘new’, ‘latest’, ‘all’, ‘skip’. New creates a new version of each entity, latest migrates the most recent version, all migrates all versions, skip avoids migrating file entities (use when exclusively targeting table attached files. "new"
--include_table_files Named Include table attached files when migrating. False
--continue_on_error Named Whether to continue processing other entities if migration of one fails. False
--csv_log_path Named Path where to log a csv documenting the changes from the migration.
--dryRun Named Dry run, files will be indexed by not migrated. False
--force Named Bypass interactive prompt confirming migration. False