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The manifest is a tsv file with file locations and metadata to be pushed to Synapse. The purpose is to allow bulk actions through a TSV without the need to manually execute commands for every requested action.

Manifest file format

The format of the manifest file is a tab delimited file with one row per file to upload and columns describing the file. The minimum required columns are path and parent where path is the local file path and parent is the Synapse Id of the project or folder where the file is uploaded to.

In addition to these columns you can specify any of the parameters to the File constructor (name, synapseStore, contentType) as well as parameters to the command (used, executed, activityName, activityDescription, forceVersion).

For only updating annotations without uploading new versions of unchanged files, the parameter forceVersion should be included in the manifest with the value set to False.

Used and executed can be semi-colon (";") separated lists of Synapse ids, urls and/or local filepaths of files already stored in Synapse (or being stored in Synapse by the manifest). If you leave a space, like "syn1234; syn2345" the white space from " syn2345" will be stripped.

Any additional columns will be added as annotations.

Required fields:

Field Meaning Example
path local file path or URL /path/to/local/file.txt
parent synapse id syn1235

Common fields:

Field Meaning Example
name name of file in Synapse Example_file
forceVersion whether to update version False

Activity/Provenance fields:

Each of these are individual examples and is what you would find in a row in each of these columns. To clarify, "syn1235;/path/to_local/file.txt" below states that you would like both "syn1234" and "/path/to_local/file.txt" added as items used to generate a file. You can also specify one item by specifying "syn1234"

Field Meaning Example
used List of items used to generate file "syn1235;/path/to_local/file.txt"
executed List of items executed ";/path/to_local/"
activityName Name of activity in provenance "Ran normalization"
activityDescription Text description on what was done "Ran algorithm xyx with parameters..."



Any columns that are not in the reserved names described above will be interpreted as annotations of the file

Adding 4 annotations to each row:

path parent annot1 annot2 annot3 annot4 annot5
/path/file1.txt syn1243 bar 3.1415 [aaaa, bbbb] [14,27,30] ["Annotation, with a comma", another annotation]
/path/file2.txt syn12433 baz 2.71 [value_1,value_2] [1,2,3] [test 123, test 456]
/path/file3.txt syn12455 zzz 3.52 [value_3,value_4] [42, 56, 77] [a single annotation]

Multiple values of annotations per key

Using multiple values for a single annotation should be used sparingly as it makes it more difficult for you to manage the data. However, it is supported.

Annotations can be comma , separated lists surrounded by brackets [].

If you have a string that requires a , to be used in the formatting of the string and you want it to be a part of a multi-value annotation you will need to wrap it in double quotes.

This is an annotation with 2 values:

path parent annot1
/path/file1.txt syn1243 [my first annotation, "my, second, annotation"]

This is an annotation with 4 value:

path parent annot1
/path/file1.txt syn1243 [my first annotation, my, second, annotation]

This is an annotation with 1 value:

path parent annot1
/path/file1.txt syn1243 my, sentence, with, commas


Other optional fields:

Field Meaning Example
synapseStore Boolean describing whether to upload files True
contentType content type of file to overload defaults text/html

Example manifest file

path parent annot1 annot2 collection_date used executed
/path/file1.txt syn1243 "bar" 3.1415 2023-12-04 07:00:00+00:00 "syn124;/path/file2.txt" ""
/path/file2.txt syn12433 "baz" 2.71 2001-01-01 15:00:00+07:00 "" ""
/path/file3.txt syn12455 "zzz" 3.52 2023-12-04T07:00:00Z "" ""

Dates in the manifest file

Dates within the manifest file will always be written as ISO 8601 format in UTC without milliseconds. For example: 2023-12-20T16:55:08Z.

Dates can be written in other formats specified in ISO 8601 and it will be reconginzed, however, the synapseutils.syncFromSynapse will always write this in the UTC format specified above. For example you may want to specify a datetime at a specific timezone like: 2023-12-20 23:55:08-07:00 and this will be recognized as a valid datetime.
